Monday, June 30, 2008


love this girl.
and the picture.
and the city it was taken in.

anyone wanna move to portland with me?


Kelly said...

oh my goodness, that is ridiculously sad about the flights to kzoo. It makes me want to cry. At least we took advantage of the ridiculous convenience while it was here, right?


Maybe you should move here. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this outfit! I am so going toward black/white right now. You have a great sense of style, especially with those new shoes yours!!

So how is your Ragamuffin Challenge going??

I havent seen any new news lately and was hoping you were doing ok!


tammy said...

I just randomly found your blog but had to say...I was just talking to my husband today saying we should move to Portland b/c I hear it's such a great city! Funny.

Hilary said...

Did you take that photo? I love portland, used to live there, but I'm afraid I'll have to say no. But I would highly recommend it.
Mike has two brothers that live there.